

AcuTech's passion is building successful businesses online.

AcuTech has complete understanding of the e-commerce, B2B (Business to Business) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

We develop e-commerce software for the customer for their specific needs to do online transactions of business, linking computer systems of the vendor and buyer, on-line inventory management and processing on-line payments. 

We do integration with third party software for their end to end processes.

We take cares of all aspects of e-commerce such ash as
• E-tailing or "virtual storefronts" on Web sites with online catalogs, sometimes gathered into a "virtual mall" .
• The gathering and use of demographic data through Web contacts.
• Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the business-to-business exchange of data .
• e-mail and fax and their use as media for reaching prospects and established customers (for example, with newsletters).
• Business-to-business buying and selling.
• The security of business trans.